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Bachelor of Arts in General Studies

To inquire about this program:
Ms. Erin Johnston I 423.869.6403 I

General Studies Major

Students enrolled in the General Studies BA program will complete 2 semester-long (6 credits minimum) foreign language courses or demonstrate equivalent proficiency. Fulfillment of the General Studies BA degree requires completion of a minimum of 122 credit hours, completion of the Lincoln Liberal Arts Core Curriculum, and completion of required cognates (subject areas). Students may select two subject areas of 18 credit hours each, with at least 9 upper-level credits in each area, or three areas of 12 credit hours each, with at least 6 upper-level credits in each. The junior and senior writing requirements are completed within one selected subject area. No more than 3 credit hours of Independent Study are permitted. Practicum or internship courses are limited to 3 credit hours and must be completed in the same subject areas the junior and senior writing requirements.

Four Year Plans

Two Cognates or Subject Areas: Four Year Plan

Three Cognates or Subject Areas: Four Year Plan